About Us
Purrrfect Audio LLC was formed to design and trail-blaze the use of Digital Audio and Digital Video workstations.
We're subject-matter-experts on custom PC workstations.
In business since 1994, we've been at the very forefront designing/building custom PCs for audio/video.
Our clients include:
- Fred Coury (Composer TV/Film, drummer for Cinderella)
- Evan Jolly (Composer TV/Film, Hacksaw Ridge, Wonder Woman)
- Alexander Brandon (Composer Video-Games, Unreal)
- George Marinelli (Bonnie Raitt)
- Dino Alden
- 9-Volt Audio
- Cherry Records
- Above Records (Rolling Stones, Neville Brothers)
- Nothing Studios (Trent Reznor)
- Koch Entertainment
- MTV Latin America
- Cliff Cultreri
- Guy Babylon (Elton John)
- Billy Graham Ministries
- George Catapan (Survivorman)
- Joseph Briggs (American Idol, Dancing With The Stars)
- Ted Perlman
- Sweetwater (we designed/built literally every PC they sold for the first several years)